




nel mondo non del mondobagliori dell'animaunsuibon voyageil tempo del sogno


1 Metamorphosis one : 7.46
2 Metamorphosis two : 7.37
3 Metamorphosis three : 5.25
4 Metamorphosis four : 5.15
5 Metamorphosis five : 5.00
6 Mad rush : 14.10
7 Night rain : 22.05

Musiche di Philip  Glass




Metamorfosi is an Inner Journey through the music of the American composer Philip Glass, rich in cyclic nuances of “ambient – classic” mold. A Journey accompanied by piano melodies supported by the constant but non-invasive rhythmic research of the percussionist Stefano Scala. Rhythmics and Melodies, accompany us towards a personal Spiritual Search for our own Self

(Label Press MUSICORG - Phil Roberts)

One of his better works. A lot of originality but does dip into some formulaic Glass techniques. I think you'll like it if you enjoy his works. The music of Glass in general, bypasses conscious emotion and thought and lifts me to a heavenly….Music arranged for piano and percussion  and performed by Mistrangelo e Brivo with Stefano Scala.

 (Music UK  – Saul Sheattle)